Boca Raton, FL 33432, USA
1 561-368-4057

Plasma Rich In Growth Factors (PRGF)

General, Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry in Boca Raton, FL

Platelet-rich growth factors – A high platelet concentrated liquid can be used to create a blood clot at the site of a wound. It has recently been discovered that PRGF also stimulates bone growth – meaning a denser graft in a shorter time period.

When we su­ffer an injury, the human body releases proteins (cellular signals) to stimulate the process of repairing that injury. With PRGF®- Endoret® technology we manage to isolate from the patient’s blood the plasma that contains these proteins that speed up regeneration. Once a therapeutic dose is applied to the treatment area, the regeneration process of wounds is considerably accelerated. To carry out this process, it is necessary to draw a small amount of blood from the patient. This blood is centrifuged and processed to obtain the proteins essential for regeneration. These proteins are applied to the area where tissue regeneration is necessary.

This technology developed by Dr Eduardo Anitua over 15 years ago was initially applied in the field of oral surgery, and is still considered a scientific reference today. The use of PRGF®-Endoret® in this field of medicine off­ers many clinical advantages in daily practice with its use for the treatment of post-extraction defects, regeneration around implants, intraosseous defects, sinus elevation, crestal expansion, vertical growth, treatment of periodontal defects. The results show the biosafety, e­ffectiveness and predictability of PRGF®-Endoret® technology in oral surgery and oral implantology.

PRGF®-Endoret® speeds up the tissue healing and regeneration process and reduces both inflammation and the risk of infection or post surgical complications. The use of PRGF®- Endoret® guarantees a noticeable improvement, absence of pain and quicker recovery.

Advantages of PRGF®-Endoret®

  • Pioneering technology with the most extensive experience in the market
  • 100% biocompatible, versatile and safe
  • Great clinical effi­ciency in the stimulation of tissue healing and regeneration, as has been described in a large number of international articles
  • Does not contain leucocytes, avoiding their proinflammatory activity. Powerful bacteriostatic properties, as well as reducing pain